Photo by Jack Carter / Unsplash
Calgary Facts
Average temperatures, population and housing facts about Calgary.
- Calgary climate:
- Average temperature - The monthly mean of the daily (24 hour) temperature.
- Average rainfall - This is the mean monthly precipitation, including rain, snow, hail etc.
- Average sea-level pressure
- Census - 2005 Calgary Civic Census
- Community population - population comparison by community.
- Climate of Alberta - Weather and climate information from Alberta Agriculture.
- Cost of Living - temporarily unavailable.
- Housing in Calgary - homeowner/renter rates, vacancy rates, homes requiring repair, young adults and housing, social housing, homelessness.
- Health status at a glance
- History - a virtual tour of historic Calgary.
- Income - temporarily unavailable.
- Labour Force - participation and unemployment, sources of income, unemployment among youth, unemployment by level of education
- Population
- Age Distribution - Social-statistics about the age distribution in Calgary.
- Births and Deaths
- Calgary at a Glance - summary socio-economic and demographic indicators.
- Crime and Safety
- Immigrants
- Population size
- Visible minorities - Social-statistical information about ethnic origins, visible minorities, and language ability in Calgary. Last Modified: 30/10/2005
- Poverty in Calgary - Definition of Poverty, Incidence of Poverty, Minimum Wage, Income Support for Low Income Canadians, The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS): Transfer Payments for Seniors, Food Bank Usage, Income and Expenditures, Inflation.
- Calgary Real Estate 2004 - Building permits, residential market, resale market, vacancy rates, office vacancy, office space, retail space, industrial space, labour and employment.
- Canadian City Economic Trends - Monthly updates of key economic developments in 27 census metropolitan areas across the country..
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