Photo by Devon Hawkins / Unsplash
Associations, Clubs and Societies
- Accessible Housing Society - Creating opportunities for safe, affordable, barrier-free housing in the community. 103, 2003 - 14th St. NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 3N4
- Animal Rescue Foundation - To rescue homeless, lost or abandoned dogs. P.O. Box 34160, Calgary, AB T3C 1S2, Canada.
- Big Sisters and Big Brothers of Calgary and Area - Encourage personal growth in children through the friendship and support fostered by special one-to-one relationships with adult volunteers. 5960 Centre Street SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0C1
- Calgary Amateur Radio Association - amateur radio community of Calgary and area
- Calgary Horticultural Society - To encourage horticulture and the beautification of Calgary. 208 - 50th Avenue, S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2S 2S1. (403) 287-3469
- Calgary Model Railway Society - To promote the hobby of Model Railroading. PO Box 63033, 2604 Kensington Rd. NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4S5
- Calgary Rainforest Action Group - Group of Southern Alberta citizens concerned about global deforestation. Box 23069, Connaught Postal Outlet, Calgary, AB T2S 3B1
- Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club - A non-profit organization of 250 rockhounds. Mailing address: Calgary Rock & Lapidary Club, 110 Lissington Drive SW, Calgary AB T3E 5E3
- Calgary Safety Council - Dedicated to the promotion of safety and the prevention of injuries and fatalities on the streets and highways. Calgary Safety Council, 108, 2116- 27 Avenue N.E. Stockman Centre, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7A6
- Calgary Stampede Show Band - Calgary's Musical Ambassadors to the World! Box 1060, Station M, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2K8
- Calgary Youth Orchestra - one of Canada's leading community youth orchestras. Calgary Youth Orchestra, c/o The Conservatory, Mount Royal College Conservatory, 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 6K6, Canada
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Northern Alberta chapter of CPAWS. A voice for all individuals who value and are concerned about the maintenance of biodiversity and wilderness in Alberta.
- Confederation Park 55 + Activity Centre, 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW, Calgary, AB T2L 0W1. 403-289-4780
- Firefighters Museum Society - Acquire, restore, maintain and protect fire apparatus, pictures, equipment and memorabilia of the Fire Services' past. 4124 - 11 Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Friends of Nose Hill - Dedicated to the preservation of Nose Hill Park for all users. PO Box 61386, RPO Brentwood, Calgary AB T2L 2K6
- HMCS Calgary - FFH335, Canadian Patrol Frigate. Named after the city of Calgary, Alberta. Come take a virtual tour, meet some of our crew and several of our friends of CALGARY.
- Kerby Centre for Seniors - enhancing the quality of life for older persons. 1133 - 7 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 1B2
- RASC - Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. P.O. Box 2100, Station M, Location 73, Calgary Alberta T2P 2M5
- Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta - a not-for-profit corporation that provides a range of specialized services for stepfamilies. Suite 201, 4803 Centre Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 2Z6
- YWCA - resource for women and families in Calgary. 320 - 5 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 0E5.
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