Articles in Conditions

Childhood Obesity
Overweight and obesity have become common health conditions and their prevalence is increasing globally.
By Dr. L. Lee Coyne, Ph.D.

Diabetes Prevention
The good news is if you have pre-diabetes you can reduce the risk of getting diabetes type 2 and even return to normal blood glucose levels.
By Gary

Inflammatory Disease
Unlocking Mysteries of the Immune System May Be the Key in Curing Inflammatory Disease.

Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is still a very real threat present in our environment, damaging the brains and nervous system of many of it's victims, the majority of which are children.
By Sheila Blythe-Saucier

Metabollic disorder
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. Recent estimates indicate that the incidence of obesity is doubling every five years.
By Dr. L. Lee Coyne, Ph.D.

Obese Kids
Childhood Obesity. 20% of school age children are obese.
By Dr. L. Lee Coyne, Ph.D.

Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Association statistics tell us that we find a new diabetic every 8 minutes in Canada.
By Dr. L. Lee Coyne, Ph.D.