Dancing Terms and Dance Definitions E
ecarte - A position with one leg extended at an oblique angle while the body is also at an oblique angle.
efface - A position of the body at an oblique angle and partly hidden.
elevation - The ability to jump high into the air and give the appearance of remaining suspended at the apex of the jump.
elevé - Rising to the balls of the feet, or all the way up to full pointe, from flat feet.
en travesti - A female dancer dressed as a man, or a male dressed as a woman.
English Tango - The style is the same as the other English competition dances, and the steps are similar Fox Trot steps with a few Latin flourishes.
enrosque - a twist
entrechat - A ballet movement in which the dancer repeatedly crosses his or her legs in the air.
epaulement - The position of the torso from the waist up.
escondido - An Argentine dance called Escondido (literally hidden for in it the female partner hides from the male) belongs to the Gato type rhythmically and choreographically.
etoile - Literally "star." The highest rank a dancer may hold in the Paris Opera.
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