Instructional Clogging, Flatfoot and Buck Dance Videos
Clogging is an percussive folk dance whose American roots are buried deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. Constant shuffling of the "floor" foot is one of the major characteristics that distinguishes clogging from tap dancing. Flatfoot dancing is largely based on a low-to-the-floor style that emphasizes intricate rhythms and creative percussive dancing. Buck dancing emphasizes percussive rhythms with a greater use of the heel and toe. The style uses a greater bent leg position that distinguishes it from "shuffle" clogging.
Beginner Clogging DVD
This video is designed for the beginning student. The eight basic movements of clogging are illustrated on this tape. Proper fundamentals of timing, posture, and technique are taught. This is a highly recommend tape not only for beginning students but for those who have had prior lessons yet feel that their techniques is lacking. The basic fundamentals are are crucial to develop before moving on to more advanced tapes.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
Advanced Clogging DVD
This tape builds on the previous two. Technique taught is of greater complexity and presented at a greater speed. Over twenty steps are "broken down" so they can be mastered with practice.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
Clogging Dance Routines - Classics #1 DVD
Each routine comes with the steps notated on cue sheets. Music/routines included are: Reach (Advanced); High Cotton (Easy); Ragtime Annie (Intermediate); Back Down In Louisiana (Easy); Ida Red (Intermediate Plus); and Yippi Ti Ii Yo (Intermediate).
Waltz Clogging DVD
A beautiful form of dance, waltz clogging dates back to clogging’ earliest roots. Done to 3/4 time waltz music, it as relaxing to listen to, as it is to dance. This video includes a free audio cassette of waltz clog music at various speeds, a waltz clog routine and cue sheet, a waltz clog demonstration at the beginning of the tape, and instruction in wooden-soled shoes. Learn 25 waltz clog steps and master the basics of this dance.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
Beginner Buck DVD
Buck dancing differs from clogging in several ways yet can be combined with clogging to enhance your clogging repertoire and skill. Buck dancing emphasizes percussive rhythms with a greater use of the heel and toe. The style uses a greater bent leg position that distinguishes it from "shuffle" clogging. This tape illustrates over twenty buck dancing steps.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
Intermediate / Advanced Buck DVD
An extension of beginning buck dancing principles, this tape is designed to challenge you with increasingly complex rhythmical combinations. These buck steps are loads of fun to learn. This tape teaches over twenty buck steps.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
50 Hot Buck Steps DVD
This tape is for the advanced student who is well acquainted with clogging and buck dance fundamentals. Fifty buck steps are shown "up to speed" and then broken down in an easy-to-understand fashion. Great steps for competition or flashy dancin'!
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
Flatfoot II DVD
Based on the foundations taught in Flatfoot I, more intricate step combinations are demonstrated and taught on this video. When blended together, the result is beautiful rhythms that are rooted in the earliest forms of the dance.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
A Cappella - Basic DVD
These tapes are designed to illustrate rich combinations of rhythms and sounds that stand alone without music. They combine various rhythms from clogging, buck dancing, the Tennessee Walking style, flatfoot, and Canadian step dancing to produce rich and pleasing sounds.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
A Cappella - Intermediate / Advanced DVD
These tapes are designed to illustrate rich combinations of rhythms and sounds that stand alone without music. They combine various rhythms from clogging, buck dancing, the Tennessee Walking style, flatfoot, and Canadian step dancing to produce rich and pleasing sounds.
Your instructor is Steve Smith, a national and international instructor. Among his credentials - inducted into Clogging Hall of Fame; Co-director of two national championship clogging teams; The U.S. Clogging Championship Individual Male and Male-Female Duet clogging champion for two consecutive years; Kentucky State Championship Individual Male Champion.
How I Teach Clogging DVD and Manual
How I Teach Clogging is for teachers-to-be. In addition to the video, a 49-page manual includes an outline for the first ten beginner lessons you will teach. All of the essentials needed to start your teaching career are included.
See Also
Country Western, Cajun & Zydeco, Steppin', Line Dancing, Irish Dance, or view all our Dance Videos and DVDs
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